We Stand on Holy Scriptures
- We stand on the Holy Scriptures, not according to any traditional interpretation, but according to the pure Word of God.
- We stand on Christ, the living rock, the foundation stone, the Head of the Body, and the life and reality of the church.
- We stand on the genuine oneness of the body of Christ. We are not sectarian, nor denominational, nor non – denominational, nor interdenominational.
- We stand on the ground of the oneness of all believers; we recognize all the blood – redeemed and Spirit – regenerated believers in Christ as members of the one church.
The churches in Africa are believers centered on Christ and the Bible, meeting in various cities and countries across Africa. We believe that all regenerated Christians are one, made one by the life which we share in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- We stand on absolute consecration to the Lord, that we are utterly given to the Lord, to make ourselves available to Him as a living sacrifice so that He may work on us and in us according to His good pleasure.
- We stand on prevailing prayer of faith by the church. In prayer we enjoy sweet, intimate personal communion with the Lord. By prayer we declare our dependence on God, our submission to Him, and our desire to cooperate with Him in the fulfillment of His purpose.