Admittedly, the pressures of modern life have kept you very busy, and you are not only physically tired but also emotionally tired. But dear friend, pause and take few minutes to read this tract and it will definitely lead you to real rest and peace… |
Man, you are puny and very funny. This is exactly what you are; yet you boast big things. The little achievement, then you brag. You always want to be recognized. You boast over your beauty. You boast over your bank account. You boast over your houses. You boast over your cars… |
Friend, let me ask you the most important question of your life. It is a very simple question. Your answer will determine your life for all eternity. The question is: “Are you saved?” I will put it in another way. “Are you born again?” In a much simpler way, “Have you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour?”…. |
There are a lot of people who would love to be Christians but they do not know the way. There are some who fear to give their lives to Christ because they think that Christianity is a matter of will power. There are still others who have set up their own standards for the Christian life and have concluded that it is impossible to be a Christian today….. |